Since the creation of my blog, I’ve been envisioning no audience, if I am honest. In the vastness of the internet and content creation, there are tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, of people constantly creating content. The fact that someone would be reading a blog in 2024 when there are far easier forms of content to consume that are virtually endless, like videos on TikTok or podcasts on Spotify I find it vastly unlikely that anyone will find my page besides people actively trying to look me up. I hope it reaches people intrigued by the concept of human connections, but I have a feeling it is only seen by classmates or teachers of my current PUB 101 class or “stalkers” coming from social media.
Design-wise, I’m trying to create a user-friendly and very simple layout. The aim is to offer a platform that is easy to navigate and right to the point. Everything is so fast-paced in this day and age that content-wise, I’ve been focusing on more journal-type entries, writing about my experiences and sharing knowledge for me to reflect on and hopefully provoke thought and action.
This is a very short post, but I believe it is valuable.